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Boycott India is Viral in Islamic World, These are Some Things Muslims Should Know

Just like what happened in France, hashtag to boycott India is viral because two members of the ruling party in India threw remarks againts Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Muslims in Middle East are the first to react by boycotting Indian products in their countries.

Then Grand Mufti of Oman also reacted by asking his followers to boycott India.

After that the rest of muslim’s world follows them. It got worse over time, even the picture of current Indian leader, Modi, was placed in an unimaginable thing.

For you who want to join the movements, here are some things you should know.

Indian barcode is 890

The barcode of Indian products started from 890. Do this and you won’t have to memorize so many products’ name. There are some products that are not famous too or we think are from another country but in fact they belong to India.

Avoid Indian Most Famous Global Brands

Tata, TVS, Lakme and Jaguar belong to India. If you want to know more, you can read here.

Bollywood is also included

Bollywood or Indian entertainment is one of most important Indian exports around the world. Muslim countries like Pakistan or Indonesia also have taken quite a liking towards Bollywood celebrities, movies, songs, or drama. By cutting off Bollywood intakes, the effect can be more impactful.

Support the Boycott

You can support this movement by spreading about it on your social media, talking mouth to mouth, signing petitions, joining the peaceful protests, or any other way you know. That way, there will be more Muslims who will join this cause.

Those are some things that can be done to join this boycott India movement. Hopefully after this there is no more country which will do the same thing and the world becomes a more peaceful place.

Read also:

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