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Best Turkish Series Recommendations for The First Timers

Which countries after USA which have the most watched series in the world? Perhaps you will think that the answer is the drama from East Asian countries or even telenovela from Latin America. But actually, Turkish series are the second most popular in the world. It has been exported into more than 150 countries so far, even conquering Hispanic audiences recently.

If you have heard about Turkish series and wonder which ones are the best to be watched for the beginners, worry not. Below is the list of the best Turkish series out there for the newbies. There are many types of drama in this recommendation, not only romance, but also action, crime, historical, mystery, adventure, and/or spiritual.

Worry about the bills to be paid afterwards? Well, there are many of these series which are totally free. Not only that. Some of these series are translated without any additional costs into some of the most popular languages in the world including Italian, Greek, Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, Bengali, Farsi, Hindi, Portuguese, French, Russian, Japanese, Uzbek, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Romanian, and Indonesian. Just check it out:

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Rekomendasi Film Turki Terbaik, Mulai dari Kisah Detektif Mirip Sherlock Holmes hingga Kolosal Epik ala Game of Thrones

Turki adalah pengimpor drama nomor dua di dunia sehingga sudah biasa membuat tayangan yang bagus, contohnya “Resurrection Ertugrul” yang sangat mendunia dan sudah menghasilkan milyaran views sampai mendapat Guiness Book of Records. Karena itu, sinema bikinannya pun memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik dan dapat bersaing dengan buatan Hollywood. Poin plusnya, penggambaran budayanya yang konservatif cenderung lebih cocok di mata para muslim seperti mayoritas penduduk Indonesia. Jadi film-film Turki bisa lebih nyaman untuk ditonton bahkan bersama seluruh keluarga. Penasaran dengan daftar film terbaik dari Turki? Ini dia:

Diposkan pada English, Essay, Perspective

Selective Humanity in the Fortress of Civilization

“They are not from Middle East…”
“They have blonde hair and blue eyes…”
“They are relatively civilized…”

People often talk about “Fortress Europe”, where refugees can’t enter easily. There are numerous of precautions to block them from coming in. Even UK is going to send the refugees to Rwanda.

However, there are very different treatments when it is Ukrainians who became the refugees. Suddenly the “fortress” is opened, with various facilities available.

Some Europeans say that it is because Ukrainian’s pledge feels closer at home, due to their similar characteristics, so it is like helping their own brothers. The culture is also quite the same. Whereas other refugees, namely people of colors, are really different. They are total strangers with distinguished body traits, even the culture is so unlike theirs. So, it seems that the European’s version of “humanity” requires a label before they can help somebody.

Now, as we can see, the “fortress” is actually capable to serve millions of refugees. However, the treatments appear to be different according to the skin colors that the refugees have.

In recent times, the refugees usually are coming from non-white countries just like Syria, Afghanistan, etc. So when the refugees are the white people living in the Europe continent, suddenly the West is in shock.

Perhaps the westerners never think of a possibility that nowadays people with white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes who come from an European democratic country could be refugees. But do the white people never become refugees at all and always the winning forces in the history?

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Boycott India is Viral in Islamic World, These are Some Things Muslims Should Know

Just like what happened in France, hashtag to boycott India is viral because two members of the ruling party in India threw remarks againts Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Muslims in Middle East are the first to react by boycotting Indian products in their countries.

Then Grand Mufti of Oman also reacted by asking his followers to boycott India.

After that the rest of muslim’s world follows them. It got worse over time, even the picture of current Indian leader, Modi, was placed in an unimaginable thing.

For you who want to join the movements, here are some things you should know.

Indian barcode is 890

The barcode of Indian products started from 890. Do this and you won’t have to memorize so many products’ name. There are some products that are not famous too or we think are from another country but in fact they belong to India.

Avoid Indian Most Famous Global Brands

Tata, TVS, Lakme and Jaguar belong to India. If you want to know more, you can read here.

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Antara Honorer dan Kompetensi PNS

Menjadi PNS atau pegawai negeri sipil adalah impian bagi hampir setiap masyarakat Indonesia dengan status sosial menengah ke bawah. Bagaimana tidak? Hampir tidak akan pernah dipecat (kecuali punya kasus yang parah) dan pasti dapat pensiun di usai senja adalah hal-hal yang sangat menggiurkan bagi masyarakat awam. Belum lagi negara Indonesia diperkirakan tak akan pernah bangkrut seperti swasta.

Sementara kalau kerja di perusahaan, kemungkinan bangkrut atau dipecat itu ada dan kinerja harus selalu bagus agar tidak tersingkir. Belum lagi disiplin waktu yang bisa jadi cukup ketat (ada perusahaan yang memotong gaji karyawannya kalau datang terlambat). Ada pula sikut-menyikut ala politik kantor yang luar biasa, bisa jadi orang baik dan kompeten ditendang keluar karena drama-drama buatan rekannya yang julid.

Karena itulah, PNS bak solusi dari segala permasalahan hidup kaum middle class dan menjadi semacam “Indonesian dream”. Demi jadi sang abdi negara, banyak yang rela melakukan apa saja, termasuk menggelontorkan ratusan juta rupiah via “orang dalam”. Alasannya, daripada uang itu dibuat bisnis yang tidak pasti untung, mending buat jadi aja PNS aja biar dapat kepastian bakal dapat gaji sampai mati. Yang seperti ini tentu saja bertentangan dengan norma, tapi kadang mereka kena getahnya dan malah balik ketipu oknum yang memanfaatkan situasi ini.

Namun tidak semua orang punya uang yang cukup atau moral yang seperti itu. Mereka lantas memilih jalan pintas lain: jadi honorer.

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Hijab Ban and The Free Countries

In India, there are girls who can’t go to uni just because they wear hijab. While in France, on president election 2022, there is a plan to ban hijab in public after this country successfully bans hijab in certain places including university. My question is what is the fuss over this piece of clothing called hijab that there are people threatened by it?

There is no harm to other people because someone wearing a hijab. It is the same with everyone’s fashion choice, albeit a little bit different. There is no effect as well in the body of the women wearing hijab. It is not like their brain’s capacity decreases or something.

Also, in Indian constitution, there is a freedom granted by the country to practice a religion and there shouldn’t be a discrimination towards anyone receiving education. But the court still insisted that women in hijab can’t be a part of education in certain area (read more about this topic here).

While in Europe, France promotes “freedom” as one of its national motto which is liberté, égalité, fraternité (“liberty, equality, fraternity”). However, at the same time, the country forces muslim women to dress according to their liking. I wonder, which kind of “freedom” is that to limit people choice of clothes, which is proven to be harmless to anybody?

Diposkan pada English, Essay, Muslim, Perspective, Recommendation

After Resurrection Ertugrul, Here are Turkish Shows Like Game of Thrones to Watch Next

For you who have just finished watching the five amazing seasons of “Resurrection Ertugrul“, perhaps you would ask yourself right away, “what to do with life now?”
I feel you. There are many people complaining about the same thing on social media after they wrapped up their Ertugrul bingewatching expreriences. We must admit that it’s hard to move on from such a marvelous historical drama which is not only have a Hollywood quality but also interesting plot and great values. While Turkiye certainly have many more historical drama, however which drama could really have “Ertugrul vibes”? Or in other words, which Turkish show has “Game of Throne” style with the same good costumes, moral, techniques, and ethics like “Resurrection Ertugrul”?
Luckily, actually there are already many Turkish series made just for this sole purpose. Here they are :

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Review Kurulus Osman di NET TV

Salah satu drama Turki terpopuler 2021 yang berjudul “Kurulus Osman” baru ditayangkan di NET TV. Sementara di TV Turki episode “Kurulus Osman” season 2 sudah selesai, di Indonesia drama serial Turki ini mulai mengudara sejak 19 Juli 2021 lalu dan kini tayang setiap hari pada pukul delapan malam.

Termasuk dalam jajaran drama Turki terbaik tahun ini, drama kolosal yang juga berjudul “The Ottoman” ini adalah kelanjutan dari serial fenomenal “Resurrection Ertugrul” yang dulu sempat ditayangkan pada tahun 2015 di TV Indonesia.

Selama ini para pecinta drama Turki menyaksikan Kurulus Osman subtitle Indonesia di website penggemar yang sering menayangkan drama Turki sub Indonesia yang dirasa terpopuler. Namun kini NET Turkish, salah satu segmen dari NET TV, mencoba mengalihkan acara bingewatching nonton drama Turki online ke layar televisi dengan menyajikan drama Turki sub Indo dan bukannya di-dubbing.

Sebelum penayangannya, ada beberapa upaya untuk meng-hype drama serial Turki ini seperti pemuatan press release di banyak media terkemuka dan juga promosi di sosial medianya. Berikut trailer “Kurulus Osman” di Twitter NET TV.

Sayangnya trailer ini sempat mendapat kritikan yaitu dengan adanya perubahan kata “Allah” menjadi “Tuhan”. Padahal “Kurulus Osman” sudah jelas adalah Game of Thrones ala muslim dengan tokoh-tokoh yang beragama Islam. Sehingga agak aneh jika NET TV lantas berusaha membuat subtitelnya lebih “netral”. Sementara penggunaan kata Islami dalam dunia hiburan Indonesia adalah hal yang sangat biasa dan tidak mempengaruhi rating, seperti sinetron “Cinta Fitri”, “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri” dan “Ikatan Cinta” yang juga mengandung banyak unsur Islam namun tetap memperoleh rating yang sangat tinggi.

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Social Distancing Tanpa atau Minim Koneksi Internet, Bisa?

Social distancing adalah istilah baru yang populer di zaman pandemi Corona untuk menghindari penularan virus covid-19. Mengacu pada menjaga jarak selama wabah ini berlangsung, istilah lain yang populer yang terkait hal ini adalah jargon #dirumahaja yang adalah versi bahasa Indonesia dari #stayathome.

Kebanyakan kaum menengah ke atas lantas menyiasati social distancing dengan kegiatan yang “serba online” baik bingewatching ratusan episode drama secara streaming, bermain game online, bernarsis ria di sosmed, nonton konten favorit di aplikasi video sharing atau apapun yang intinya butuh kuota internet yang cukup banyak atau bahkan unlimited.

Tapi bagaimana dengan mereka yang tanpa atau minim koneksi internet? Bukankah bisa saja sangat bosan atau kesulitan di rumah aja saat menjalani social distancing?

Well, coba deh baca tips di bawah ini. Siapa tahu lantas bisa menjalani social distancing yang menggembirakan meski kondisinya mungkin tak sepenuhnya sesuai dengan harapan.

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Tak Kalah Keren, Ini Drama Militer Fenomenal dari Turki

Jika mendengar istilah “drama militer” biasanya orang terpikir akan tokoh utama yang kebanyakan adalah kapten militer tampan lengkap dengan show of force berupa peralatan tempur canggih dan misi rahasia yang mendebarkan. Tapi ternyata Turki juga memiliki drama militer semacam itu dengan jalan cerita dan tokoh utama yang tak kalah kerennya.

Adalah “Soz”, “Savasci”, dan “Al-Sancak”, tiga drama militer terbaru Turki yang akan direview dalam postingan kali ini. Bagi yang belum pernah kepikiran untuk menonton drama militer Turki sebelumnya, ini kesempatanmu untuk mengenal ketiga serial ini lebih lanjut. Yuk, simak ulasannya di bawah ini!

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